
Power/mation - Innovative Automation Solutions



1960 E Devon Ave, Elk Grove Village, IL 60007

Elk Grove Village, IL, US, 60007

Join us and discuss cutting-edge automation solutions in the Industrial Internet of Things (IIOT) followed by BBQ and happy hour.

IIOT Presentation Topics:

Best of Both Worlds: Cybersecurity & Remote Access

Cyber threats force IT departments to implement “defense in depth” which group devices into very small network zones to prevent mass scale takeover in case of a compromise.  These devices “must talk together” for work to be done. This can make zone to zone data transfers impossible. Push protocols like MQTT, Rest, OPC-UA can overcome these limitations.  Implementing “trust no one” also limits user access to only “what is required” for them to do their work.  Another industry challenge is remotely accessing equipment while following these “defense in depth” and the “trust no one”.